[MacPorts] #69601: Installing recent versions of yq or wget installs libnetpbm which has a full X11/UI list of dependencies

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Thu Nov 21 17:02:39 UTC 2024

#69601: Installing recent versions of yq or wget installs libnetpbm which has a
full X11/UI list of dependencies
  Reporter:  tux-o-matic    |      Owner:  ryandesign
      Type:  defect         |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  Normal         |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports          |    Version:
Resolution:                 |   Keywords:
      Port:  wget yq groff  |

Comment (by Dave-Allured):

 Replying to [comment:19 ryandesign]:
 > Replying to [comment:17 Dave-Allured]:
 > > It looks like `openldap` and `wget` use the same troff/texinfo source
 format for man pages.  `wget` builds them with the lighter weight
 `texinfo` port.  Therefore I suggest seeing whether `texinfo` can be
 substituted for the `groff` dependency in `openldap`.
 > I don't see any way for that to be possible. troff and texinfo are not
 the same format. Each format needs to be manipulated by tools that
 understand that format.

 My hasty mistake, sorry.  Now I see that your previous suggestion of
 [https://ports.macports.org/port/heirloom-doctools/ heirloom-doctools] is
 a good candidate.  I also find [https://ports.macports.org/port/mandoc/
 mandoc].  Both are current ports in Macports.  Both are extremely
 lightweight, and both provide `soelim` for possible replacement of `groff`
 as a `wget` dependency.  I would try `mandoc` first since it seems to be
 more recently maintained, and builds are working better.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/69601#comment:20>
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