[MacPorts] #71413: Request for clarification: x11, quartz variants and precompiled ports

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Wed Nov 27 15:58:07 UTC 2024

#71413: Request for clarification: x11, quartz variants and precompiled ports
 Reporter:  wltb           |      Owner:  admin@…
     Type:  enhancement    |     Status:  new
 Priority:  Normal         |  Milestone:
Component:  buildbot/mpbb  |    Version:
 Keywords:                 |       Port:
 Recently, I wanted to switch to macports TeXLive. I noticed that even
 ''texlive +minimal'' has a lot of dependencies, and that installing would
 result in compiling a lot.

 Since the machine is pretty ancient, I dug deeper and found I had to
 compile this much because ''-x11 +no_x11 +quartz'' is enabled in my
 ''variants.conf'', and packages like
 [https://ports.macports.org/port/cairo/details/ cairo],
 [https://ports.macports.org/port/glib2/details/ glib2] or
 [https://ports.macports.org/port/texlive-bin/details/ texlive-bin] are
 only available pre-compiled with the ''x11'' variant enabled (and for
 ''glib2'', ''quartz'' and ''x11'' are mutually exclusive).

 This may or may not be related to #60511 , but is there a reason why the
 ''quartz'' variants are not pre-compiled for those packages? Should I
 stick with ''+x11 -quartz'' ATM, when I don't want to compile many
 packages on my machine?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71413>
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