[MacPorts] #71408: xmlcatmgr @2.2_1: Image error: /opt/local/bin/xmlcatmgr already exists and does not belong to a registered port.

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Thu Nov 28 14:17:01 UTC 2024

#71408: xmlcatmgr @2.2_1: Image error: /opt/local/bin/xmlcatmgr already exists and
does not belong to a registered port.
  Reporter:  thetrial                    |      Owner:  (none)
      Type:  defect                      |     Status:  new
  Priority:  Normal                      |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports                       |    Version:  2.10.5
Resolution:                              |   Keywords:  legacy-os, sierra
      Port:  xmlcatmgr, docbook-xml-4.2  |

Comment (by thetrial):

 Well, this was quite a strange thing. I had to remove and remove and
 remove some things (seems, all were related to each other), and I’m not
 sure, where these come from or why and when MP might have lost track. I
 haven’t installed anything from outside MP to /opt. The stuff seems to
 having dated back to 2002 … and yes, I use MP for a very long time – but
 I’ve had re-setup MP once or twice, and I had several OS updates. On my
 second computer all this did not happen. It looked like all the xml and
 xsl stuff was problematic. Finally a big reclaim was necessary, also
 cleaning away some ccache things that might have stood in the way. At
 least, all ran through, and now there is no corruption indicated.

 To remove and reinstall MP and its ports would be nice. But I guess I
 can’t do that anymore. The problem is, that MP seems not to have an
 intelligent system to install the "last possible" version of something,
 according to the underlying system. I still have an old owncloud-client
 and, above all, wine running. Those two programs would get lost. I can’t
 afford that. And that’s a serious problem.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71408#comment:2>
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