[MacPorts] #70840: Aseprite install fails in MacOS Sequoia

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sat Sep 21 08:22:50 UTC 2024

#70840: Aseprite install fails in MacOS Sequoia
  Reporter:  v4iv      |      Owner:  ryandesign
      Type:  defect    |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  Normal    |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports     |    Version:
Resolution:            |   Keywords:
      Port:  Aseprite  |

Comment (by v4iv):

 Replying to [comment:4 ryandesign]:
 > Yes, I'm in the process of building the port to reproduce the issue.
 Once I do, I plan to see if changing the deployment target to 14 works
 around the problem. Once I know the answer to that, I'll
 [https://github.com/aseprite/laf/issues file a bug report] with the
 developers. If someone else wants to test it and finds the answer before I
 do, they can file the bug report.

 how do I change the deployment target?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/70840#comment:5>
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