[MacPorts] #70938: macports-base does change the default users home path in some cases

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Thu Sep 26 15:15:26 UTC 2024

#70938: macports-base does change the default users home path in some cases
 Reporter:  christophecvr  |      Owner:  (none)
     Type:  defect         |     Status:  new
 Priority:  Normal         |  Milestone:
Component:  ports          |    Version:
 Keywords:                 |       Port:
 I was creating a extra macports location in /opt.
 with command :

 export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
 ./configure --prefix=$MP_PREFIX --with-applications-
 dir=/Applications/Geditb --with-macports-user=christophe --without-
 startupitems --with-shared-directory --enable-readline
 sudo make install

 after installation sudden browser crashed (firefox) and other programs.
 Could not do anything anymore. \\
 Restarted my mac and it opened with initial setup screen.

 In finder I could not find my paths anymore woow ! (yes a little panic)

 At the end I found the issue : \\
 My home path was changed from :


 to :


 This caused by the use of arg: \\

 This arg is supposed to just change the user macports into another for the
 non root build phases. \\
 according to configure manual.

                           specify that MacPorts should be installed in
                           home directory
                           specify user ownership of installed files
                           specify group ownership of installed files
                           specify user to drop privileges to, if possible,
                           during compiles, etc.

 Well this was a very unpleasant surprise I can tell.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/70938>
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