[MacPorts] #71996: tk +x11 Not Working as Expected in Python 3.13

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Tue Feb 4 09:19:17 UTC 2025

#71996: tk +x11 Not Working as Expected in Python 3.13
 Reporter:  luillo76  |      Owner:  (none)
     Type:  defect    |     Status:  new
 Priority:  Normal    |  Milestone:
Component:  ports     |    Version:
 Keywords:  +x11      |       Port:  tk
 Unexpected behavior occurs with Python 3.13: the **tk** port with the
 **+x11** variant opens using Quartz instead of X11.

 This issue can be reproduced by running the following code in the Python

 import tkinter

 Previous Python versions (3.12 and earlier) are not affected.

 This is the list of ''tk-related'' ports active in my setup:

 $ > port echo active | grep tk
 py39-matplotlib                @3.9.4_0+tkinter
 py39-tkinter                   @3.9.21_0
 py312-matplotlib               @3.10.0_0+tkinter
 py312-tkinter                  @3.12.8_0
 py313-matplotlib               @3.10.0_0+tkinter
 py313-tkinter                  @3.13.1_0
 tk                             @8.6.16_0+x11
 tk-quartz                      @8.6.16_0
 tk-x11                         @8.6.16_0
 tkdiff                         @4.2_0

 Thank you.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71996>
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