[MacPorts] #72014: game-porting-toolkit @1.1: request to update to Game Porting Toolkit 2

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Fri Feb 7 15:38:27 UTC 2025

#72014: game-porting-toolkit @1.1: request to update to Game Porting Toolkit 2
  Reporter:  isolated-matrix       |      Owner:  Gcenx
      Type:  update                |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  Normal                |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports                 |    Version:
Resolution:                        |   Keywords:
      Port:  game-porting-toolkit  |

Comment (by Gcenx):

 Yeah pretty much just marketing for there “evaluation environment for
 Windows games“ it’s just marked as “Game Porting Toolkit”

 The original implementation of {{{game-porting-toolkit}}} Portfile was
 going to do both wine & D3DMetal but that didn’t make sense when D3DMetal
 keeps receiving updates where {{{game-porting-toolkit}}} doesn’t, so it’s
 handled by two Portfiles one for the wine portion following the versioning
 of the brew formula and the other following the versioning of D3DMetal

 As you can see from looking over both Portfiles {{{game-porting-toolkit}}}
 is correctly marked as version 1.1, & {{{d3dmetal}}} is correctly marked
 as version 2.0

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/72014#comment:4>
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