[MacPorts] #71791: libtommath @1.3.0: pkg-config file has cmake variables embedded in it

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sun Feb 9 03:19:09 UTC 2025

#71791: libtommath @1.3.0: pkg-config file has cmake variables embedded in it
  Reporter:  bll123      |      Owner:  ryandesign
      Type:  defect      |     Status:  accepted
  Priority:  Normal      |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports       |    Version:  2.10.5
Resolution:              |   Keywords:
      Port:  libtommath  |
Changes (by ryandesign):

 * status:  new => accepted
 * owner:  (none) => ryandesign


 Yes, using Makefile.shared works. This uses libtool. It changes the header
 install location and the dylib install name and versioning so everything
 linking with the library needs to be rebuilt. Looking at the first such
 port, libtomcrypt, I see that it similarly needs to be switched to use

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71791#comment:4>
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