[MacPorts] #72090: gstreamer1-gst-plugins-bad @1.24.9: error: no member named 'logical_processors' in 'struct EbSvtAv1EncConfiguration' (was: upgrading gstreamer1-gst-plugins-bad during and then running "rev-upgrade" failed)
noreply at macports.org
Sat Feb 22 19:59:32 UTC 2025
#72090: gstreamer1-gst-plugins-bad @1.24.9: error: no member named
'logical_processors' in 'struct EbSvtAv1EncConfiguration'
Reporter: amadeus24 | Owner: (none)
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: gstreamer1-gst-plugins-bad |
Changes (by ryandesign):
* keywords: gstreamer1-gst-plugins-bad & py313-six =>
Replying to [ticket:72090 amadeus24]:
> Upgrading ports today (2025/02/22) upgrade failed at gstreamer1-gst-
plugins-bad, running on a MBPro, M1 Max, Seq. 15.3.1.
Your main.log file shows this error:
:info:build ../gst-plugins-bad-1.24.9/ext/svtav1/gstsvtav1enc.c:557:26:
error: no member named 'logical_processors' in 'struct
:info:build 557 | svtav1enc->svt_config->logical_processors =
:info:build | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^
:info:build ../gst-plugins-bad-1.24.9/ext/svtav1/gstsvtav1enc.c:726:28:
error: no member named 'high_dynamic_range_input' in 'struct
:info:build 726 | svtav1enc->svt_config->high_dynamic_range_input =
:info:build | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^
:info:build ../gst-plugins-bad-1.24.9/ext/svtav1/gstsvtav1enc.c:730:28:
error: no member named 'high_dynamic_range_input' in 'struct
:info:build 730 | svtav1enc->svt_config->high_dynamic_range_input =
:info:build | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^
:info:build ../gst-plugins-bad-1.24.9/ext/svtav1/gstsvtav1enc.c:940:7:
error: too many arguments to function call, expected 2, have 3
:info:build 939 | EbErrorType res = svt_av1_enc_init_handle
(&svtav1enc->svt_encoder, NULL,
:info:build | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
:info:build 940 | svtav1enc->svt_config);
:info:build | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
:info:build /opt/local/include/svt-av1/EbSvtAv1Enc.h:967:20: note:
'svt_av1_enc_init_handle' declared here
:info:build 967 | EB_API EbErrorType svt_av1_enc_init_handle(
:info:build | ^
:info:build 968 | EbComponentType **p_handle,
:info:build | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
:info:build 969 | EbSvtAv1EncConfiguration *config_ptr); //
config_ptr will be loaded with default params from the library
:info:build | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
:info:build 4 errors generated.
This sounds like an incompatibility between this version of gst-plugins-
bad and this version of svt-av1.
> During upgrade I got:
> {{{
> ---> Scanning binaries for linking errors
> ---> Found 1 broken file, matching files to ports
> ---> Found 1 broken port, determining rebuild order
> You can always run 'port rev-upgrade' again to fix errors.
> The following ports will be rebuilt: gstreamer1-gst-plugins-bad
> Continue? [Y/n]: Y
> ---> Computing dependencies for gstreamer1-gst-plugins-bad
> ---> Cleaning gstreamer1-gst-plugins-bad
> ---> Scanning binaries for linking errors
> ---> Found 1 broken file, matching files to ports
> ---> Found 1 broken port, determining rebuild order
> ---> Rebuilding in order
> gstreamer1-gst-plugins-bad @1.24.9_1+x11
> ---> Computing dependencies for py313-six
> ---> Fetching archive for py313-six
> ---> Attempting to fetch py313-six-1.17.0_0.darwin_any.noarch.tbz2 from
> ---> Attempting to fetch
py313-six-1.17.0_0.darwin_any.noarch.tbz2.rmd160 from
> ---> Installing py313-six @1.17.0_0
> ---> Activating py313-six @1.17.0_0
> Error: Failed to activate py313-six: Image error:
/site-packages/__pycache__/six.cpython-313.pyc already exists and does not
belong to a registered port. Unable to activate port py313-six. Use 'port
-f activate py313-six' to force the activation.
> while executing
> "throw registry::image-error $msg"
> ("foreach" body line 79)
> invoked from within
> "foreach file $imagefiles {
> incr progress_step
> _progress update $progress_step $progress_total_steps
> se..."
> invoked from within
> "registry::write {
> foreach file $imagefiles {
> incr progress_step
> _progress update $progress_step $progress_..."
> Error: See
.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_python_py-six/py313-six/main.log for
> Error: Problem while installing py313-six
> Error: rev-upgrade failed: Error rebuilding gstreamer1-gst-plugins-bad
> Error: Follow https://guide.macports.org/#project.tickets if you believe
there is a bug.
> ---> Some of the ports you installed have notes:
> ffmpeg6 has the following notes:
> This build of ffmpeg6 includes nonfree code as follows:
> libfdk-aac
> The following libraries and binaries may not be redistributed:
> ffmpeg libavcodec libavdevice libavfilter libavformat libavutil
> To remove this restriction remove the variant +nonfree
> To compile and link with ffmpeg6, add
-I/opt/local/libexec/ffmpeg6/include and -L/opt/local/libexec/ffmpeg6/lib
to your compile command.
> For builds using pkg-config, add
/opt/local/libexec/ffmpeg6/lib/pkgconfig to $PKG_CONFIG_PATH.
> ffmpeg7 has the following notes:
> This build of ffmpeg7 includes nonfree code as follows:
> libfdk-aac
> The following libraries and binaries may not be redistributed:
> ffmpeg libavcodec libavdevice libavfilter libavformat libavutil
> To remove this restriction remove the variant +nonfree
> To compile and link with ffmpeg7, add
-I/opt/local/libexec/ffmpeg7/include and -L/opt/local/libexec/ffmpeg7/lib
to your compile command.
> For builds using pkg-config, add
/opt/local/libexec/ffmpeg7/lib/pkgconfig to $PKG_CONFIG_PATH.
> py313-sphinx has the following notes:
> To make the Python 3.13 version of Sphinx the one that is run when
you execute the commands without a version suffix, e.g. 'sphinx-build',
> port select --set sphinx py313-sphinx
> }}}
> Then I forced the activation of py313-six (and the message I've got was
> {{{
> -> sudo port -f activate py313-six
> Password:
> ---> Computing dependencies for py313-six
> ---> Activating py313-six @1.17.0_0
> Warning: File
/site-packages/__pycache__/six.cpython-313.pyc already exists. Moving to:
> Warning: File
/site-packages/six-1.17.0.dist-info/LICENSE already exists. Moving to:
> Warning: File
/site-packages/six-1.17.0.dist-info/METADATA already exists. Moving to:
> Warning: File
/site-packages/six-1.17.0.dist-info/RECORD already exists. Moving to:
> Warning: File
/site-packages/six-1.17.0.dist-info/WHEEL already exists. Moving to:
> Warning: File
/site-packages/six-1.17.0.dist-info/top_level.txt already exists. Moving
> Warning: File
/site-packages/six.py already exists. Moving to:
> ---> Cleaning py313-six
> }}}
Why did those files already exist? Had you installed that python module
manually, without using MacPorts?
> Since then any {{{ffmpeg}}} version crashes.
What error message do you get from ffmpeg? If it is truly a crash, macOS
should have generated a crash log in ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports; if
so, please attach it.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/72090#comment:1>
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