[MacPorts] #72102: "No files have been installed in the destroot directory" for bison with build_arch x86_64 on ARM

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Tue Feb 25 01:25:51 UTC 2025

#72102: "No files have been installed in the destroot directory" for bison with
build_arch x86_64 on ARM
 Reporter:  ehrmann  |      Owner:  (none)
     Type:  defect   |     Status:  new
 Priority:  Normal   |  Milestone:
Component:  ports    |    Version:
 Keywords:           |       Port:  bison
 This is a similar setup to #72096. I set build_arch x86_64 on an ARM
 machine, then tried to build bison. It fails with

 Error: No files have been installed in the destroot directory!
 Error: Please make sure that this software supports 'make install
 DESTDIR=${destroot}' or implement an alternative destroot mechanism in the
 Error: Files might have been installed directly into your system, check
 before proceeding.
 Error: Failed to destroot bison-runtime: Staging bison-runtime into
 destroot failed

 Like #72096, the steps to reproduce are run the following on ARM macOS
 with Rosetta installed

 ./configure --prefix=/opt/macports-test --with-applications-
 dir=/Applications/MacPortsTest --without-startupitems
 make install

 # edit /opt/macports-test/etc/macports/macports.conf and set build_arch to

 /opt/macports-test/bin/port -v selfupdate
 /opt/macports-test/bin/port install bison

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/72102>
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