[MacPorts] #64681: wine: Update to version 9.x
noreply at macports.org
Fri Jan 3 09:21:13 UTC 2025
#64681: wine: Update to version 9.x
Reporter: syurin-nagatuki | Owner: Gcenx
Type: update | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.7.1
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: wine, wine-devel, wine-crossover |
Comment (by Gcenx):
Replying to [comment:52 ryandesign]:
> Wine is and always has been Intel-only software. It used to be 32-bit
only. Then a 64-bit version called wine64 was created, however it requires
the 32-bit version of wine to be installed. And you must use the 32-bit
version of wine if you want to run 32-bit Windows software and the 64-bit
version of wine for 64-bit Windows software. While Apple started its
transition to 64-bit in Mac OS X 10.4 and finished it with the removal of
the ability to run 32-bit software in macOS 10.15, my understanding is
that 32-bit software has remained ubiquitous on Windows for much longer,
so that it remains important to be able to run 32-bit Windows software
today. To accommodate macOS 10.15's inability to run 32-bit software, the
developers of Crossover created a method of running 32-bit Windows
software within a 64-bit executable, which they called wine32on64. With
this new method, dependencies only need to be 64-bit Intel. However they
only supported this new method on macOS 10.15 and later
The minimum requirement of macOS Catalina 10.15 is due to requiring
i386_set_ldt, in fact I have the requirement for 10.15.4 to avoid needing
to disable SIP as before 10.15.4 a special entitlement was required to
gain access to i386_set_ldt
Replying to [comment:52 ryandesign]:
> older macOS versions needed to continue to use the old real 32-bit wine
executable to run 32-bit software. Therefore installing wine on older
macOS (if the MacPorts ports are ever enhanced to allow that again) will
continue to require dependencies to be universal (32-bit and 64-bit
While I'd love to restore support below macOS Catalina it's hard for me to
do this without having access to an Intel Mac that's capable of running
below Catalina. Technically wine-9.x to wine-10.x should currently support
macOS Sierra and later (just might require MacOSX10.13.sdk to compile)
Below Catalina I'd just skip gstreamer as that just becomes a huge
nightmare due to +universal
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/64681#comment:54>
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