[MacPorts] #71738: meson @1.6.1_1 does not install on PPC Leopard, Mac OS X 10.5.8, because it has a dependency of Python 3.13, which does not build here

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sat Jan 4 20:26:55 UTC 2025

#71738: meson @1.6.1_1 does not install on PPC Leopard, Mac OS X 10.5.8, because it
has a dependency of Python 3.13, which does not build here
  Reporter:  ballapete  |      Owner:  (none)
      Type:  defect     |     Status:  new
  Priority:  Normal     |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports      |    Version:  2.10.5
Resolution:             |   Keywords:  leopard ppc
      Port:  meson      |

Comment (by ryandesign):

 Whether or not ports that use Python offer Python variants, they need to
 pick some Python version to use by default.
 dev/2021-December/044043.html Our policy] is that the preferred version
 changes to the current version on January 1, i.e. it just changed to
 Python 3.13. Ports that use Python should be updated to that version. It
 will take some time for every port to be updated. You can help by testing
 that ports work with Python 3.13 and filing pull requests to update them
 to that version, especially those ports that do not have a maintainer. It
 may not be as simple as just changing the Python version in the port. New
 Python versions may remove or change features which may require patches in
 each port.

 If there were not a policy of preferring a particular Python version, the
 situation would be worse as each port that uses Python would use whatever
 version the author felt like using.

 Offering a choice of Python variant is done sometimes. I feel that
 offering this in meson, a port used by many other ports to build things,
 will only lead to less ReproducibleBuilds and will cause more build
 problems that will take more time to diagnose, taking our time away from
 fixing other problems.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71738#comment:14>
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