[MacPorts] #71826: Fatal error: Root Libraries not found

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Tue Jan 14 11:05:18 UTC 2025

#71826: Fatal error: Root Libraries not found
  Reporter:  emmanuelseyi24  |      Owner:  (none)
      Type:  defect          |     Status:  new
  Priority:  Normal          |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports           |    Version:  2.10.5
Resolution:                  |   Keywords:
      Port:  root6           |

Comment (by cjones051073):

 Without a reproducer showing your issue its almost impossible to help, but
 I am pretty certain the issue is on your side with your makefile, not with
 the root port.

 Root provides multiple ways you can configure your build to find and use
 it. CMake is now the defacto default so if your project supports this that
 would be the best way.

 Finally that there is always the `root-config` utility which root provides
 to give you all the details you need to use any given ROOT installation.

  > root-config6 --help
 Usage: root-config6 [options]

   --arch                Print the architecture (compiler/OS)
   --platform            Print the platform (OS)
   --prefix[=dir]        Print or set prefix
   --exec-prefix[=dir]   Print or set execution prefix
   --libs                Print regular ROOT libraries
   --glibs               Print regular + GUI ROOT libraries
   --evelibs             Print regular + GUI + Eve libraries
   --cflags              Print compiler flags and header path
   --ldflags             Print linker flags
   --bindir              Print the executable directory
   --libdir              Print the library directory
   --incdir              Print the header directory
   --etcdir              Print the configuration directory
   --tutdir              Print the tutorials directory
   --srcdir              Print the top of the original source directory
   --auxlibs             Print auxiliary libraries
   --auxcflags           Print auxiliary compiler flags
   --[no]new             Turn on[off] use of libNew.so
   --noauxlibs           Do not print auxiliary/system libraries
   --noauxcflags         Do not print auxiliary compiler flags
   --noldflags           Do not print linker flags
   --config              Print arguments used for configuration with CMake
   --features            Print list of all supported features
   --has-<feature>       Test if <feature> is compiled in
   --version             Print the ROOT version
   --git-revision        Print the ROOT git revision number
   --python-version      Print the Python version used by ROOT
   --python3-version     Print the Python3 version used by PyROOT
   --cxxstandard         Print the C++ standard used to compile ROOT
   --ncpu                Print number of available (hyperthreaded) cores
   --cc                  Print alternative C compiler specified when ROOT
 was built
   --cxx                 Print alternative C++ compiler specified when ROOT
 was built
   --f77                 Print alternative Fortran compiler specified when
 ROOT was built
   --ld                  Print alternative Linker specified when ROOT was
   --help                Print this message

 YOu should use this dynamically in your makefile to determine the correct
 locations you need at each step.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71826#comment:2>
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