[MacPorts] #71837: p5.34-net-ssleay @1.940.0 fails tests due to use of an incorrect eMail address syntax
noreply at macports.org
Wed Jan 15 09:23:54 UTC 2025
#71837: p5.34-net-ssleay @1.940.0 fails tests due to use of an incorrect eMail
address syntax
Reporter: ballapete | Owner: (none)
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.10.5
Keywords: | Port: p5-net-ssleay
`Test`ing reveals:
t/local/31_rsa_generate_key.t ............... ok
# Failed test 'X509V3_EXT_print nid=86 extended-cert.cert.pem:6'
# at t/local/32_x509_get_cert_info.t line 273.
# got: 'email:intermediate-ca at net-ssleay.example, URI:http
://intermediate-ca.net-ssleay.example, DNS:intermediate-ca.net-
ssleay.example, Registered ID:, IP Address:, IP
Address:FD25:F814:AFB5:9873:0:0:0:1, othername: emailAddress:ica at net-
# expected: 'email:intermediate-ca at net-ssleay.example, URI:http
://intermediate-ca.net-ssleay.example, DNS:intermediate-ca.net-
ssleay.example, Registered ID:, IP Address:, IP
Address:FD25:F814:AFB5:9873:0:0:0:1, othername: emailAddress::ica at net-
# Failed test 'X509V3_EXT_print nid=85 extended-cert.cert.pem:8'
# at t/local/32_x509_get_cert_info.t line 273.
# got: 'email:john.doe at net-ssleay.example, URI:http://johndoe
.net-ssleay.example, DNS:johndoe.net-ssleay.example, Registered
ID:, IP Address:, IP
Address:FD25:F814:AFB5:9873:0:0:0:2, othername: emailAddress:jd at net-
# expected: 'email:john.doe at net-ssleay.example, URI:http://johndoe
.net-ssleay.example, DNS:johndoe.net-ssleay.example, Registered
ID:, IP Address:, IP
Address:FD25:F814:AFB5:9873:0:0:0:2, othername: emailAddress::jd at net-
# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 746.
t/local/32_x509_get_cert_info.t .............
Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
Failed 2/746 subtests
t/local/33_x509_create_cert.t ............... ok
The case is handled on `GitHub` here: [https://github.com/radiator-
software/p5-net-ssleay/issues/494]. Jacob Mellichamp's solution leads to a
`patch` file attached to this issue.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71837>
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