[MacPorts] #71891: pango @1.55.0 does not build on PPC Mac OS X 10.4.11, Tiger, because of help2man: can't get `--help-all' info from /opt/local/var/macports/build/nue.de.rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_x11_pango/pango/work/build/utils/pango-view

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Tue Jan 21 13:08:46 UTC 2025

#71891: pango @1.55.0 does not build on PPC Mac OS X 10.4.11, Tiger, because of
help2man: can't get `--help-all' info from
  Reporter:  ballapete  |      Owner:  (none)
      Type:  defect     |     Status:  closed
  Priority:  Normal     |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports      |    Version:  2.10.5
Resolution:  duplicate  |   Keywords:  tiger ppc
      Port:  pango      |

Comment (by ballapete):

 root 300 /\ port provides /opt/local/lib/libpango-1.0.0.dylib
 /opt/local/lib/libpango-1.0.0.dylib is provided by: pango
 root 303 /\ port echo installed and 'depends::pango(\s|$)'
 gtk2                           @2.24.33_5+x11
 gtk3                           @3.24.43_1+x11
 libLASi                        @1.1.3_1
 librsvg                        @2.40.21_0+viewer
 openbox                        @3.6.1_0
 root 304 /\ foreach BIN ( `port contents graphviz gtk2 gtk3 libLASi
 librsvg openbox | ggrep bin/ | tr '\012' ' ' | sed -e 's:
 /opt/local/bin/::g'` )
 foreach -> otool -L /opt/local/bin/${BIN} | ggrep -E 'bin/|pango'
 foreach -> end

 results in:

         /opt/local/lib/graphviz/libgvplugin_pango.6.dylib (compatibility
 version 7.0.0, current version 7.0.0)
         /opt/local/lib/libpangocairo-1.0.0.dylib (compatibility version
 5001.0.0, current version 5001.14.0)
         /opt/local/lib/libpangoft2-1.0.0.dylib (compatibility version
 5001.0.0, current version 5001.14.0)
         /opt/local/lib/libpango-1.0.0.dylib (compatibility version
 5001.0.0, current version 5001.14.0)
         /opt/local/lib/libpangocairo-1.0.0.dylib (compatibility version
 5001.0.0, current version 5001.14.0)
         /opt/local/lib/libpangoft2-1.0.0.dylib (compatibility version
 5001.0.0, current version 5001.14.0)
         /opt/local/lib/libpango-1.0.0.dylib (compatibility version
 5001.0.0, current version 5001.14.0)
         /opt/local/lib/libpangocairo-1.0.0.dylib (compatibility version
 5001.0.0, current version 5001.14.0)
         /opt/local/lib/libpangoft2-1.0.0.dylib (compatibility version
 5001.0.0, current version 5001.14.0)
         /opt/local/lib/libpango-1.0.0.dylib (compatibility version
 5001.0.0, current version 5001.14.0)
         /opt/local/lib/libpangoft2-1.0.0.dylib (compatibility version
 5001.0.0, current version 5001.14.0)
         /opt/local/lib/libpangocairo-1.0.0.dylib (compatibility version
 5001.0.0, current version 5001.14.0)
         /opt/local/lib/libpango-1.0.0.dylib (compatibility version
 5001.0.0, current version 5001.14.0)
         /opt/local/lib/libpangocairo-1.0.0.dylib (compatibility version
 5001.0.0, current version 5001.14.0)
         /opt/local/lib/libpangoft2-1.0.0.dylib (compatibility version
 5001.0.0, current version 5001.14.0)
         /opt/local/lib/libpango-1.0.0.dylib (compatibility version
 5001.0.0, current version 5001.14.0)
         /opt/local/lib/libpangoxft-1.0.0.dylib (compatibility version
 4201.0.0, current version 4201.4.0)
         /opt/local/lib/libpangoft2-1.0.0.dylib (compatibility version
 4201.0.0, current version 4201.4.0)
         /opt/local/lib/libpango-1.0.0.dylib (compatibility version
 4201.0.0, current version 4201.4.0)

 Further investigation reveals:

 root 312 /\ foreach BIN ( openbox rsvg-view-3 rsvg-convert gtk-query-
 immodules-2.0 gtk-demo dot_builtins )
 foreach -> echo "       === /opt/local/bin/${BIN} =="
 foreach -> /opt/local/bin/${BIN} --help
 foreach -> echo "       ••••••••"
 foreach -> end
         === /opt/local/bin/gtk-query-immodules-2.0 ==
 Cannot load module /opt/local/var/macports/build/--help:
 dlopen(/opt/local/var/macports/build/--help.so, 10): image not found
 /opt/local/var/macports/build/--help does not export GTK+ IM module API:
 dlopen(/opt/local/var/macports/build/--help.so, 10): image not found

 `port provides /opt/local/bin/gtk-query-immodules-2.0` => `/opt/local/bin
 /gtk-query-immodules-2.0 is provided by: gtk2` – which needs a refresh…

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71891#comment:6>
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