[MacPorts] #68308: legacy-support clock update resulted in a bug: /opt/local/include/LegacySupport/time.h:83:27: error: unknown type name 'clockid_t'; did you mean 'clock_id_t'?

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Tue Jan 21 21:32:25 UTC 2025

#68308: legacy-support clock update resulted in a bug:
/opt/local/include/LegacySupport/time.h:83:27: error: unknown type name
'clockid_t'; did you mean 'clock_id_t'?
  Reporter:  barracuda156    |      Owner:  catap
      Type:  defect          |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  Normal          |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports           |    Version:  2.8.1
Resolution:                  |   Keywords:
      Port:  legacy-support  |

Comment (by fhgwright):

 Given that the relevant code in `time.h` has been rewritten to closely
 match the Apple version, and published in v1.3.0 as of 17-Jul-2024, it
 seems reasonable to assume that this ticket is obsolete and should be

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/68308#comment:7>
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