[MacPorts] #71922: man -k / apropos does not search/find system man pages

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Thu Jan 23 21:51:55 UTC 2025

#71922: man -k / apropos does not search/find system man pages
 Reporter:  opoplawski  |      Owner:  (none)
     Type:  defect      |     Status:  new
 Priority:  Normal      |  Milestone:
Component:  ports       |    Version:
 Keywords:              |       Port:  mandoc
 Macport's man -k / apropos does not search the system installed man pages
 in /usr/share/man.  For example:

 $ /opt/local/bin/man -k ssh
 CURLINFO_APPCONNECT_TIME(3) - get the time until the SSL/SSH handshake is
 CURLINFO_APPCONNECT_TIME_T(3) - time until the SSL/SSH handshake completed
 CURLOPT_SSH_AUTH_TYPES(3) - auth types for SFTP and SCP
 CURLOPT_SSH_COMPRESSION(3) - enable SSH compression
 CURLOPT_SSH_HOST_PUBLIC_KEY_MD5(3) - MD5 checksum of SSH server public key
 CURLOPT_SSH_HOST_PUBLIC_KEY_SHA256(3) - SHA256 hash of SSH server public
 CURLOPT_SSH_HOSTKEYDATA(3) - pointer to pass to the SSH host key callback
 CURLOPT_SSH_HOSTKEYFUNCTION(3) - callback to check host key
 CURLOPT_SSH_KEYDATA(3) - pointer passed to the SSH key callback
 CURLOPT_SSH_KEYFUNCTION(3) - callback for known host matching logic
 CURLOPT_SSH_KNOWNHOSTS(3) - filename holding the SSH known hosts
 CURLOPT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEYFILE(3) - private key file for SSH auth
 CURLOPT_SSH_PUBLIC_KEYFILE(3) - public key file for SSH auth
 XAllocClassHint, XClassHint, XGetClassHint, XSetClassHint(3) - allocate
 class hints structure and set or read a window's WM_CLASS property
 XtClass, XtCheckSubclass, XtIsApplicationShell, XtIsComposite,
 XtIsConstraint, XtIsObject, XtIsOverrideShell, XtIsRectObj,
 XtIsSessionShell, XtIsShell, XtIsSubclass, XtIsTopLevelShell,
 XtIsTransientShell, XtIsVendorShell, XtIsWidget, XtIsWMShell,
 XtSuperclass(3) - obtain and verify a widget's class


 $ /usr/bin/man -k ssh
 apple_ssh_and_fips(7)    - Configuring SSH for FIPS algorithms
 crosshair(n)             - Crosshairs for Tk canvas
 scp(1)                   - OpenSSH secure file copy
 sftp(1)                  - OpenSSH secure file transfer
 sftp-server(8)           - OpenSSH SFTP server subsystem
 ssh(1)                   - OpenSSH remote login client
 ssh-add(1)               - adds private key identities to the OpenSSH
 authentication agent
 ssh-agent(1)             - OpenSSH authentication agent
 ssh-copy-id(1)           - use locally available keys to authorise logins
 on a remote machine
 ssh-keychain(8), ssh-keychain.dylib(8) - smartcard/token support library
 ssh-keygen(1)            - OpenSSH authentication key utility
 ssh-keyscan(1)           - gather SSH public keys from servers
 ssh-keysign(8)           - OpenSSH helper for host-based authentication
 ssh-pkcs11-helper(8)     - OpenSSH helper for PKCS#11 support
 ssh-sk-helper(8)         - OpenSSH helper for FIDO authenticator support
 ssh_config(5)            - OpenSSH client configuration file
 sshd(8)                  - OpenSSH daemon
 sshd_config(5)           - OpenSSH daemon configuration file
 upsshutdown(8)           - UPS emergency low power shutdown script
 CURLINFO_APPCONNECT_TIME(3) - get the time until the SSL/SSH handshake is
 CURLINFO_APPCONNECT_TIME_T(3) - time until the SSL/SSH handshake completed
 CURLOPT_SSH_AUTH_TYPES(3) - auth types for SFTP and SCP
 CURLOPT_SSH_COMPRESSION(3) - enable SSH compression
 CURLOPT_SSH_HOSTKEYDATA(3) - pointer to pass to the SSH host key callback
 CURLOPT_SSH_HOSTKEYFUNCTION(3) - callback to check host key
 CURLOPT_SSH_HOST_PUBLIC_KEY_MD5(3) - MD5 checksum of SSH server public key
 CURLOPT_SSH_HOST_PUBLIC_KEY_SHA256(3) - SHA256 hash of SSH server public
 CURLOPT_SSH_KEYDATA(3)   - pointer passed to the SSH key callback
 CURLOPT_SSH_KEYFUNCTION(3) - callback for known host matching logic
 CURLOPT_SSH_KNOWNHOSTS(3) - filename holding the SSH known hosts
 CURLOPT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEYFILE(3) - private key file for SSH auth
 CURLOPT_SSH_PUBLIC_KEYFILE(3) - public key file for SSH auth
 EVP_KDF-SSHKDF(7ssl)     - The SSHKDF EVP_KDF implementation
 XAllocClassHint(3), XSetClassHint(3), XGetClassHint(3), XClassHint(3) -
 allocate class hints structure and set or read a window's WM_CLASS
 XtClass(3), XtSuperclass(3), XtIsSubclass(3), XtCheckSubclass(3),
 XtIsObject(3), XtIsRectObj(3), XtIsWidget(3), XtIsComposite(3),
 XtIsConstraint(3), XtIsShell(3), XtIsOverrideShell(3), XtIsWMShell(3),
 XtIsVendorShell(3), XtIsTransientShell(3), XtIsTopLevelShell(3),
 XtIsApplicationShell(3), XtIsSessionShell(3) - obtain and verify a
 widget's class

 Setting MANPATH to
 does not appear to have any effect.

 This is on sequoia with mandoc @1.14.6_0 (active)

 This may be because makewhatis cannot write to /usr/share/man/mandoc.db:

 # /opt/local/sbin/makewhatis
 /usr/share/man//mandoc.db: open: No such file or directory
 /usr/share/man//mandoc.db: Data changed, but cannot replace database

 I attempted to give full disk access to makewhatis but that did not appear
 to help.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71922>
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