[MacPorts] #62105: kdelibs4 @ 4.14.3_15: build failure on Catalina

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Mon Jan 27 02:45:25 UTC 2025

#62105: kdelibs4 @ 4.14.3_15:  build failure on Catalina
  Reporter:  DaveStrickland  |      Owner:  NicosPavlov
      Type:  defect          |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  Normal          |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports           |    Version:  2.6.4
Resolution:                  |   Keywords:  catalina
      Port:  kdelibs4        |

Comment (by fspkwon):

 then the issue moves towards kde4-runtime and ive added flag
 and                         -DKDERUNTIME_BUILD_NEPOMUK=OFF
 i hope not just to watch the glorious exception error "nonconformist"
 kde4-runtime is installed now i wait....
 telepathy-qt still going through them its going over all the broken ports
 has to install qt5 is itll keep building the broken ports just keep
 a tab on telepathy-qt
 ok KGET fails but lets try telepathy again
 port uninstall telepathy-qt
 port install -s telepathy-qt is which is what it was asking it to do...
 but thats whats wrong with KGET
      kget @4.14.3_11
      kdepim4-runtime @4.14.3_6
 so i uninstall nepomuk-core and nepomuk-widgets i REMOVE them from the
 as well as kde-libs and kde-baseapps we can see its configuring kget and
 building kget......
 then as i assume THEN lets tell it remove kdelibs and nepomuk-core for
 kdeworkspace4 kdepimlibs,
 and we have to before we hit there install kactivities so we remove
 kdelibs and nepomuk dependencies from that portfile as well,
 port install -s kactivities and since that worked now port install -s
 kde4-workspace...... and then reinstall nepomuk-core and nepomuk-widgets
 obviously nothing except for Compiling Issues Resolutions are expected as
 Updates so whatever works works whatever doesnt wont...
 and lastly ill be trying to install kdevelop if you wait to install
 nepomuk and nepomuk-widgets kdevelop kate and kdevplatform are all going
 to try to rebuild....

 and akonadi..... but i also see: org.macports.startx.plist <- and i dont
 have akonadi installed it didnt make me...
 launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchAgents/org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist
 launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchAgents/org.macports.kdecache.plist
 theres a way to install these and get them to load on login....
 and as for running the kdesktop shell i also dont know about that....  and
 they build and reinstalled nepomuk-core nepomuk-widgets
 and it didnt ask me to fix anything...
 kdevelop is WORKING on macOS 15.0 on Aqua is very Flickery , so it
 basically didnt do exactly what i wanted but ok?
 can anyone chime in here? KWrite yeah opens... the icon sits fine on the
 dock but doesnt in the folder i dont know how to regen thumbnails

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/62105#comment:29>
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