[MacPorts] #72149: Port not properly adapted for asdf >= 0.16.0

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Thu Mar 6 10:20:09 UTC 2025

#72149: Port not properly adapted for asdf >= 0.16.0
 Reporter:  tja-m   |      Owner:  (none)
     Type:  defect  |     Status:  new
 Priority:  Normal  |  Milestone:
Component:  ports   |    Version:
 Keywords:          |       Port:  asdf
 The current version 0.16.4_0 of the asdf port seems not to be adapted for
 the major changes in asdf since 0.16.0

 Althoudh I completely uninstalled older versions and have now:

 port installed asdf
 The following ports are currently installed:
   asdf @0.16.4_0 (active)

 I get a file /opt/local/share/asdf/version.txt, which contains "0.15.0".
 Running /opt/local/share/asdf/bin/asdf leads to the following output:



 You have tried to upgrade to asdf 0.16.0 or newer. Versions 0.16.0 is a
 complete rewrite of asdf in Go. This text is being printed by the older
 Bash implementation. If you are seeing this you have not migrated to
 asdf 0.16.0. Please follow the instructions on the upgrade guide to
 migrate to the new version.

 Aside from this notice, this older Bash implementation works as it did
 in asdf version 0.15.0 and older.

 Migration guide: https://asdf-vm.com/guide/upgrading-to-v0-16
 asdf website: https://asdf-vm.com
 Source code: https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf

 version: v0.15.0

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/72149>
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