[MacPorts] #72139: borgbackup @1.4.0, MacPorts 2.10.5, : "make: sphinx-build-3.12-3.12: No such file or directory"

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Thu Mar 6 21:05:38 UTC 2025

#72139: borgbackup @1.4.0, MacPorts 2.10.5,: "make: sphinx-build-3.12-3.12: No such
file or directory"
  Reporter:  NickStrabolke  |      Owner:  judaew
      Type:  defect         |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  Normal         |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports          |    Version:  2.10.5
Resolution:                 |   Keywords:
      Port:  borgbackup     |

Comment (by ryandesign):

 The transcript you attached shows that the build failed and that you found
 that the log contained:

 :info:build make: sphinx-build-3.12-3.12: No such file or directory

 However it is not clear whether you tried to build only once or more than
 once before checking the log.

 The double version suffix on the sphinx-build program file name seems
 wrong. The py312-sphinx port actually contains `sphinx-build-3.12`, not
 `sphinx-build-3.12-3.12`. The fact that this build is looking for a double
 suffix might be a result of re-attempting a failed build.

 The Portfile contains this code:

 post-build {
     reinplace "s|sphinx-build|sphinx-build-${python.branch}|g" \

 The first time this runs, it would change `sphinx-build` to `sphinx-
 build-3.12` which would be correct but if it were repeated it would then
 change `sphinx-build-3.12` to `sphinx-build-3.12-3.12` which would be
 wrong. This code should probably be changed to be more specific to avoid
 that repeated invocation would cause a problem.

 Or it could be that py312-sphinx really did used to contain `sphinx-
 build-3.12-3.12`, and borgbackup accommodated that weirdness, and now that
 the current py312-sphinx no longer has that weirdness borgbackup needs to
 adapt to it.

 You tried to solve the error by manually creating the /opt/local/bin
 /sphinx-build-3.12-3.12 symlink:

 sudo ln -s $(which sphinx-build) /opt/local/bin/sphinx-build-3.12-3.12

 but this then failed with:

 :info:build Traceback
 :info:build =========
 :info:build       File
 line 840, in stat
 :info:build         return os.stat(self, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks)
 :info:build                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 :info:build     OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument:

 To ensure we're analyzing the correct error message, please delete
 /opt/local/bin/sphinx-build-3.12-3.12 and any other changes you made
 manually in /opt/local. Then run `sudo port clean borgbackup` followed by
 trying to install the port again. If it fails again, please attach the
 main.log file.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/72139#comment:4>
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