[MacPorts] #72102: bison-runtime @3.8.2: "Error: No files have been installed in the destroot directory" with build_arch x86_64 on ARM

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Fri Mar 7 19:21:29 UTC 2025

#72102: bison-runtime @3.8.2: "Error: No files have been installed in the destroot
directory" with build_arch x86_64 on ARM
  Reporter:  ehrmann        |      Owner:  mascguy
      Type:  defect         |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  Normal         |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports          |    Version:
Resolution:                 |   Keywords:
      Port:  bison-runtime  |
Changes (by ryandesign):

 * port:  bison => bison-runtime


 I wouldn't call it a bug in MacPorts. It's reasonable for MacPorts not to
 use `-arch` flags when building a `noarch` port. Since such a port is not
 expected to produce architecture-specific files, such a port is not
 expected to use any commands that would be affected by such flags.
 Changing MacPorts so that it does use `-arch` flags for `noarch` ports
 would fix the problem, and that change could be considered. I don't know
 if it would have other consequences. It's probably less risky to just fix
 the bison-runtime port.

 I wouldn't call it a bug in bison's configure script either. It's
 perfectly normal for it to look for libraries to decide whether to enable
 or disable features. It didn't find a suitable gettext so it disabled the
 building of the code that would have used gettext. Without that code, the
 message catalogs wouldn't get used at runtime so there would be no point
 to creating them so it disabled that as well.

 I'd call it a bug in the bison-runtime portion of the bison portfile,
 which only shows up in the unusual case of instructing MacPorts to build
 for a non-default architecture, which is why it wasn't noticed before.
 It's unusual for a port to use a configure script (most of which are
 designed for building architecture-specific software) for a `noarch` port.
 It's not unreasonable to leave it to the bison-runtime port to work around
 the problems that this unusual choice causes.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/72102#comment:6>
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