[MacPorts] #72161: libsoup-2.4 @2.74.3_0+gnome+universal: libsoup requires glib-networking for TLS support [but the glib-networking port is installed and active]

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sun Mar 9 17:50:13 UTC 2025

#72161: libsoup-2.4 @2.74.3_0+gnome+universal: libsoup requires glib-networking for
TLS support [but the glib-networking port is installed and active]
  Reporter:  ar-an-ribe   |      Owner:  mascguy, dbevans
      Type:  defect       |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  Normal       |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports        |    Version:  2.10.5
Resolution:               |   Keywords:
      Port:  libsoup-2.4  |
Description changed by ar-an-ribe:

Old description:

> On Mavericks, I’d like to build `libsoup-2.4 @2.74.3_0+gnome+universal`,
> since it is currently a library dependency of the `libsoup`, `geoclue2`,
> and `webkit-gtk3` ports. At this time, it fails in the configuration
> phase, emitting an error of
> {{{
> :info:configure Checking if "GIO has real TLS support" with dependencies
> glib-2.0, gmodule-2.0, gobject-2.0, gio-2.0 runs: NO (-5)
> :info:configure meson.build:191:4: ERROR: Assert failed: libsoup requires
> glib-networking for TLS support
> }}}
> However, the `glib-networking @2.66.0_1+universal` port is installed and
> active, and it has no other variants. Could the emitted error be
> referring to some other port that indirectly provides TLS support through
> the `glib-networking` port?

New description:

 On Mavericks, I’d like to build `libsoup-2.4 @2.74.3_0+gnome+universal`,
 since it is currently a library dependency of the `libsoup`, `geoclue2`,
 and `webkit-gtk3` ports. At this time, it fails in the configuration
 phase, emitting an error of

 :info:configure Checking if "GIO has real TLS support" with dependencies
 glib-2.0, gmodule-2.0, gobject-2.0, gio-2.0 runs: NO (-5)
 :info:configure meson.build:191:4: ERROR: Assert failed: libsoup requires
 glib-networking for TLS support

 However, the `glib-networking @2.66.0_1+universal` port is installed and
 active, and it has no other variants. Could the emitted error be referring
 to some other port that indirectly provides TLS support through the `glib-
 networking` port?

 EDIT: After examining the `meson.log` file that was generated during the
 configuration phase, the problem seems to be this:

 dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libglib-2.0.0.dylib
   Referenced from:
   Reason: image not found


Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/72161#comment:1>
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