[MacPorts] #70882: OpenCore Legacy Patcher 2.0.2 installs faulty CoreImage framework on macOS 15 on Macs using 3802-based GPUs

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sun Mar 9 23:36:22 UTC 2025

#70882: OpenCore Legacy Patcher 2.0.2 installs faulty CoreImage framework on macOS
15 on Macs using 3802-based GPUs
  Reporter:  RivetBenoit                         |      Owner:  (none)
      Type:  defect                              |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  Normal                              |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports                               |    Version:  2.10.1
Resolution:                                      |   Keywords:  sequoia
      Port:  ffmpeg, ffmpeg6, ffmpeg7, ffmpeg-   |
  devel                                          |

Comment (by mpbb77):

 I was lucky enough to find this ticket on Macports but it looks like there
 was no progress in 5 months. My problem is identical to the original one
 on a late-2012 MacMini just upgraded to MacOS 15 Sequoia with OCLP 2.2.0,
 while updating a macports previous install:

 The following ports will be rebuilt:
  ffmpeg @4.4.5+gpl2+libdc1394+librtmp+nonfree
  ffmpeg7 @7.1+gpl2

 Reverting the OCLP root patches gives:

 ✠ dyld_info -load_commands
 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreImage.framework/Versions/A/CoreImage | grep
 Load command #4
              cmd: LC_ID_DYLIB
          cmdsize: 0x60
         cur-vers: 6.0
      compat-vers: 1.0.1
 Load command #5

 and re-applying the patches for metallib &c. gives:

 ✠ dyld_info -load_commands
 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreImage.framework/Versions/A/CoreImage | grep
 Load command #3
              cmd: LC_ID_DYLIB
          cmdsize: 0x60
         cur-vers: 1.0
      compat-vers: 1.0
 Load command #4

 Is this finally a non-issue or should we follow the Discord guy telling
 not to compile anything (did he mean really anything such as Xcode, etc.
 ?) with the root patches applied ? AFAICT reverting is no big deal since
 you mostly seem to loose transparency on dock/windows on legacy metal GPUs
 and no basic functionality, though of course it's not ideal. Otherwise
 I've compiled ffmpeg7 with options +gpl2 +libdc1394 +librtmp +nonfree +x11
 and it seems to be working when I reapply the patches, so maybe rev-
 upgrade is being more Catholic than Benedict XVI if even MacOS does not
 seem to care about minor library versioning.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/70882#comment:38>
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