Easily build Portfiles from ruby gems

David Glasser glasser at mit.edu
Mon Nov 6 15:44:37 PST 2006

On 11/6/06, Paul Guyot <pguyot at kallisys.net> wrote:
> MacPorts is based on several axioms. One of them is that it's based
> on a tree of its own, by default /opt/local, and it's here to managed
> everything in this tree.

Another, somewhat different option might be to create a second prefix
specifically for programs installed by MacPorts programs.  For
example, I install MP in /opt/local and use its perl as my main Perl,
but I have configured /opt/local/bin/cpan to install CPAN modules into
/opt/cpan instead.  Perhaps MacPorts should allow you to specify such
an "unmanaged tree", and configure things like CPAN and gems to
install into it?


David Glasser | glasser at mit.edu | http://www.davidglasser.net/

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