How to get out of this foolish position?

Taka Fukuda fukuda at
Tue Nov 7 09:41:17 PST 2006

    Thank you for your replies, Jerry-san, Ryan-san and
    And I am sorry for the duplicated posts.  Somehow, my
    spam filter categorized all the messages (including
    mine) in this thread as "Unsure." (^^;
At Sat, 4 Nov 2006 13:39:17 -0800,
Paul Beard wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Nov 4, 2006, at 12:34 PM, Taka Fukuda wrote:
> >     Could you show me how to get out of this situation?
> I find some incantations of deinstall and deactivate are sometimes  
> required.
> If you run 'port installed' what does it tell you about the state of  
> perl? You might find a version issue that you can address with the  
> full name of the port. Make sure the active version is the one you  
> expect.
> This is what I get:
> port installed | grep perl
>    perl5.8 @5.8.8_0+darwin_8 (active)

    I got the same result except "(active)".
> Or, failing any luck there, you can always cheat ;-)
> cd /opt/local/var/db/dports/receipts/perl5.8/5.8.8_0+darwin_8  
> (assuming your install is in the Usual Place).
> remove the receipt for any versions of perl you find are blocking  
> you, and then try to reinstall. Drastic, yes, but effective when I  
> have used it in the past.

    It worked!!  Thank you, Paul-san.  Now, perl is working
    Maybe I had made a part of the database inconsistent when I
    unintentionally interrupted a port process.  
    Thanks again,

--                                               Taka Fukuda
--                                    fukuda at

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