unison / older version question

Paul Guyot pguyot at kallisys.net
Wed Nov 8 13:39:55 PST 2006

Le 8 nov. 06 à 16:32, Belinda Thom a écrit :

> Hi,
> I would like to install an older version of unison (as the server side
> runs 2.9.1 and I think I need to run the same on the client).
> Is this possible in macports? What seems to be available is:
> 101 % port search unison
> unison                         net/unison     2.13.16      Unison File
> Synchronizer

Hello Belinda,

Unison latest stable version is 2.13.16, so it's unlikely that an  
earlier version would be made available via DarwinPorts.

So you're up to the following paths:
- update the version on the server (basically, this is what I do  
whenever a new stable release appears)
- install Unison 2.9.1 based on an earlier version of the port.
The proper portfile can be found here:

Please note however that it might not compile as there have been  
serious changes in OCaml that might have broken the compatibility  
with such an old source code.


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