port install previous version of ruby

Marc André Selig mas at seligma.com
Fri Nov 10 02:19:12 PST 2006

On 10.11.2006, at 02:58, Stephen Chu wrote:

> I have a project requirement that forces me to install ruby 1.8.4.  
> However, the ruby version on port list is 1.8.5, and doing port  
> install ruby @1.8.4 does not yield the installation of 1.8.4 (it  
> still gives me 1.8.5). Can I still use darwinport to install 1.8.4  
> from other port repository? Or do I have to compile and install by  
> hand?

First, find out the svn revision number of the Portfile you want by  
visiting the following URL.  In your case, it turns out to be 16709.


Next, set up a local repository:

	sudo port install subversion
	mkdir /Users/Shared/dports
	sudo sed -e '1i\
	file:///Users/Shared/dports' -i~ /opt/local/etc/ports/sources.conf

Now retrieve that versioned port and install it in your local  

	cd /Users/Shared/dports
	svn co --revision 16709 http://svn.macports.org/repository/macports/ 
trunk/dports/lang/ruby/ lang/ruby/
	portindex /Users/Shared/dports

Finally, install ruby again.  Your private portfile from the local  
repository will be used, as it's listed first in sources.conf.

	sudo port uninstall -f ruby
	sudo port install ruby

Of course, if you already have a local repository set up, there's no  
need to add another one. ;-)

Hope this helps,

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