OpenDarwin upgrade path and support

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Fri Nov 17 14:19:24 PST 2006

On Nov 17, 2006, at 15:51, bcsi wrote:

> Are detailed steps available anywhere for upgrading OpenDarwin  
> 7.2.1 to Apple's latest release of Darwin?

I think that's off-topic for this list.

> Will support for Darwin / OpenDarwin (as opposed to OS X) be  
> available on this list?

Support for MacPorts is available on this list. MacPorts is a project  
that aims to bring a variety of Unix / Linux / BSD software to Mac OS  
X. The project used to be called DarwinPorts, but because few if any  
of the core developers and portfile writers actually had access to a  
pure Darwin machine (instead they use Mac OS X), guaranteeing support  
for Darwin proved problematic. Therefore the project was renamed  
MacPorts to help solidify the idea that the project is applicable to  
Mac OS X users, not necessarily Darwin users. Many ports will work on  
Darwin, but probably many will not, though patches to improve Darwin  
support would probably be accepted.

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