updated portfile for supybot

Brian Matzon brian at matzon.dk
Sun Nov 19 14:02:08 PST 2006

I am unable to login to trac, so just posting this in the hopes that 
someone will create the relevant bug in trac and get supybot portfile 
updated http://supybot.darwinports.com/dports/irc/supybot/Portfile
to 0.83.2

confirmed working, no issues.

-------------- next part --------------
# $Id: Portfile 20314 2006-11-01 22:06:50Z blair at macports.org $

PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup python24 1.0

name                    supybot
version                 0.83.2
categories              irc python
platforms               darwin
maintainers             mww at opendarwin.org
description             IRC bot framework in Python
long_description        ${description}

homepage                http://supybot.com/
master_sites    sourceforge
distname                Supybot-${version}
checksums               md5 514c23a3388b65da81b9b6f1990a1912
use_bzip2               yes

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