Issues with squid startup

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Fri Nov 24 13:55:04 PST 2006

On Nov 24, 2006, at 15:34, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Nov 24, 2006, at 11:57, Mark Duling wrote:
>> James Risner wrote:
>>> I have installed squid using Darwinports and installed the plist  
>>> file:
>>> /opt/local/etc/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.Squid/ 
>>> org.macports.Squid.plist
>>> But it doesn't start the server properly:
>>> unix% ps ugxaww | grep -i squid
>>> root        35   0.0 -0.0    27832    328  ??  Ss   Wed07AM    
>>> 0:00.01
>>> /opt/local/bin/daemondo --label=Squid --start-cmd
>>> /opt/local/etc/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.Squid/Squid.wrapper  
>>> start ;
>>> --stop-cmd /opt/local/etc/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.Squid/ 
>>> Squid.wrapper
>>> stop ; --restart-cmd
>>> /opt/local/etc/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.Squid/Squid.wrapper  
>>> restart ;
>>> --pid=none
>>> No squid process ever starts.  I can (and do) start it by hand  
>>> with "sudo
>>> /opt/local/sbin/squid"
>>> because I need a local cache.  But I haven't been able to find  
>>> anything
>>> on this list or in google
>>> about how to fix it not starting from launchd.  Does anyone have any
>>> hints for me?
>> Surely the "tsu" command is a typo and "su" was meant in the  
>> startupitems
>> section of the portfile.  But in general, to trouble shoot  
>> problems like
>> this, try doing manually the steps the portfile defines and see  
>> where the
>> problem is.
>> cd to /opt/local/var/squid
>> Is /opt/local/var/squid/cache/00 present? then
>> 	tsu -fm squid -c "exec /opt/local/sbin/squid -s -z"
>> else
>> 	su -fm squid -c "exec /opt/local/sbin/squid -s"
>> If tsu is a type then the portfile startupitems section can be  
>> corrected
>> so let us know.  Or until then, correct that error in the wrapper  
>> file
>> generated from the portfile.
>> Mark
>> startupitem.start \
>>         "cd ${prefix}/var/squid" \
>>         "if \[ ! -d \"${prefix}/var/squid/cache/00\" \]; then" \
>>         "\tsu -fm squid -c \"exec ${prefix}/sbin/squid -s -z\"" \
>>         "fi" \
>>         "su -fm squid -c \"exec ${prefix}/sbin/squid -s\""
>> startupitem.stop \
>>         "cd ${prefix}/var/squid" \
>>         "su -fm squid -c \"exec ${prefix}/sbin/squid -k kill\""
> It doesn't say "tsu"; it says "\tsu". Presumably "\t" is meant to  
> be a tab character. If that is valid in TCL (I don't know if it is)  
> then there is no typo.

It also doesn't say "else" anywhere. It says: if the first cache  
directory does not exist, then do this one thing (presumably: set up  
the cache directories). Then, in any case, do this other thing  
(presumably: start squid).

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