Improvements to trac/svn workflow?

Paul Guyot pguyot at
Sat Sep 16 17:13:13 PDT 2006

Hi all,

I don't know what other developers and users think about it, but I  
find our current installation and habits with trac & svn difficult to  
work with.

Is there a way to get trac to send e-mails when some bugs we're  
watching is updated? Even the original poster of the bug doesn't get  
e-mail feedback. See for example the discussion at http://

Is there a way to get more useful rss feeds? Could we at least remind  
the port concerned in the commit messages?

This is typically the kind of messages I get from the timeline feed. 

Title: Ticket #10660 (enhancement) closed by markd at
Body: Committed. Thanks!

Title: Ticket #10652 (enhancement) closed by markd at
Body: Committed. Thanks!

Title: Ticket #10707 (defect) created by eddyxu at
Body: the output message of svn is wrong.

The title contains very little interesting information. For example,  
"Ticket" takes way too much room on the title line, enhancement and  
defect are much less informative than the name of the port or the  
title of the ticket. The author of the change is already the author  
of the rss entry, we don't need it in the title.

Likewise, the feed for svn commits is completely useless. It doesn't  
even mention the files that are affected.
Title: Revision 19599: Nuking port. I accidentally committed this not  
realizing that
Body: Nuking port. I accidentally committed this not realizing that  
p5-libapreq2 was the same port.

Finally, the e-mails for svn commits are all authored  
source_changes at and this makes it more difficult to  
quickly find a change in the mail box.

Is there anything we can do to improve the workflow?


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