dependencies and redoing MacPorts from scratch

Mark Duling mark.duling at
Thu Sep 28 18:07:12 PDT 2006

Marc André Selig <mas at> writes:
>>> checking icon-naming-utils >= 0.8.1... no
>>> configure: error: icon-naming-utils >= 0.8.1 is required to build
>>>                  and install gnome-icon-theme
>> Fixed in the source repository. Thanks for pointing it out.
>I logged a bug for this in trac on Sep 23, complete with the  
>(trivial) patch required.  It's ticket #10771.  What should I have  
>done to get the attention of somebody who is authorized to make this  

It should be assigned to the maintainer.  Unless trac wouldn't let you for
some reason.  He probably never saw it.


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