fltk problems

Ken McGaugh ken at hotchachi.com
Wed Apr 11 16:55:27 PDT 2007

On 11/04/2007, at 3:21 PM, Yves de Champlain wrote:

> Le 07-04-10 à 18:31, Ken McGaugh a écrit :
>> The problem appears to be that the fltk build breaks under osx  
>> when installing with the DESTDIR variable set.  Specifically
>> the command "fltk-config --post" assumes that the mac.r resource  
>> file has already been installed into "${prefix}/include/FL".
>> But the fltk-config script has a backdoor that could be used to  
>> solve this problem.  It checks to see if there is a local copy
>> of "FL/mac.r" relative to it's own location and will use that one  
>> instead.  So a potential solution would be to somehow execute
>>     ln -s ../include/FL ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/FL
> that would be something like
> pre-destroot {
> 	ln -s ${worksrcpath}/include/FL ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/FL
> }
> post-destroot {
> 	delete ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/FL
> }
> yves

Thank you Yves (and thank you Mark Duling for the tips on how to  
debug port builds).  I think I have a slightly more elegant
solution than my earlier hack of linking the directory.  I added the  
following to the post-patch portion of the Portfile:

     reinplace "s|\$(DESTDIR\)\$(bindir)/fltk-config|../fltk-config|g" \

That change will cause the fltk-config script in the work directory  
to be used instead of the one copied to the $DESTDIR.
The one in the work directory correctly finds the resource file  
relative to itself.

Thanks again everybody for your kind help.


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