was p5-perlmagick .. do we need bugzilla 2.22?

markd at macports.org markd at macports.org
Thu Aug 2 18:36:17 PDT 2007

"Robert A. Decker" <decker at robdecker.com> writes:
>I would love to use a more current version of bugzilla. I am using  
>mysql5 now.
>The version of PerlMagick that this package is tied to definitely has  
>a bug in it. I was able to download the 6.32 version of ImageMagick  
>(which has PerlMagick in it) from http://www.imagemagick.org/script/ 
>download.php and was able to build that without a problem. I did a  
>diff between the two versions but there's too many diffs for it to  
>really be useful.

That's weird, but neither FreeBSD nor Gentoo even have a separate
perlmagick port so it must not be necessary.  Have you re-installed
imagemagick using +perl?
>(I still haven't figured out how to let port know that I successfully  
>installed PerlMagick - it seems to try to build it again each time,  
>and of course fails)
>So, how do I go about using your bugzilla portfile?

I attached a portfile for 3.0.  To use it see the section Local Portfile
Respositories here:  http://geeklair.net/new_macports_guide/

One thing I don't understand it that it isn't creating a localconfig file
like the docs say it should.  I can't understand why.


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