Problems with remote sensing site??

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sat Aug 4 14:47:33 PDT 2007

On Aug 4, 2007, at 09:04, Jeff Stubbs wrote:

> Trying to install proj-4.5.0 and keep getting a fetch error. Jumped  
> to the site itself and attempted downloading manually, kept getting  
> a "too many users connected error", so it isn't a MacPorts error.  
> The mirror ( reacts the same way. Was able to find a  
> download page on the maptools site, but the download function is a  
> HTML form button. Is there any way to modify the Portfile to  
> trigger a form element button?

MacPorts should be able to download from any HTTP, HTTPS or FTP URL,  
so if their form button simply redirects you to a URL, we can use  
that. If it requires a POST-method form to be sent off, however, then  
MacPorts doesn't currently offer that. It could be modified to do so,  
since MacPorts uses curl and curl supports POST-style forms. But it  
would be better to request that the software authors make their  
software available at a regular URL like everybody else does.

> If I can find contact address, I'll ask if they can go smack the  
> server, to reset it.

Good idea.

> Another question, is there any plans to creating a port of Grass?

I don't see any ticket open containing the term "grass." But anyone  
is welcome to create a portfile and contribute it. Portfiles don't  
get made until someone who cares about the software does so.  
Searching the mailing list, I don't see any previous discussion of  
grass. So you may be the best equipped so far to create a portfile  
for grass.

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