Fwd: (no subject)

N_Ox n.oxyde at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 07:26:51 PDT 2007

Début du message réexpédié :

> De : Ahmed Nuaman <ahmed at ahmednuaman.com>
> Date : 9 août 2007 15:56:18 HAEC
> À : N_Ox <n.oxyde at gmail.com>
> Objet : Rép : (no subject)
> I have, it didn't work.
> Regards,
> On 9 Aug 2007, at 14:47, N_Ox wrote:
>> Le 9 août 07 à 10:48, Ahmed Nuaman a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm getting really confused with MacPorts. I've installed PHP5  
>>> with apache, mysql5, pear, pnctl, snmp and pcre support. When  
>>> it's installed, it installs curl with it, but by default, curl  
>>> has SSL disabled. So then, I installed curl (through ports) with  
>>> ssl enabled. But PHP doesn't pick this up and still reports an  
>>> error that curl doesn't have SSL disabled. Any ideas? PS curl has  
>>> got SSL enabled:
>>> $ curl-config --protocols
>>> HTTP
>>> FTP
>>> FTPS
>>> FILE
>>> DICT
>>> TFTP
>> You should rebuild php5 and try again.
>> Regards,

Don't forget to "reply to all" instead of simply "reply" (I do it all  
the time too...)

Anthony Ramine, a lazy french student.
nox at macports.org

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