MacPorts 1.5.1 released (Needs a Trac ticket????)

Juan Manuel Palacios jmpp at
Sat Aug 11 09:05:39 PDT 2007

On Aug 11, 2007, at 11:26 AM, Jeff Stubbs wrote:

> On Aug 11, 2007, at 3:32 AM, Juan Manuel Palacios wrote:
>>     - Detect some mtree violations within ${prefix}. Test can be  
>> overriden by "destroot.violate_mtree yes" in a Portfile
>>       (mww in r27199).
> Just a note.
> Upgraded MP to 1.5.10, went to install apache2 with:
> "port install apache2 +workermpm"
> resulted in:
> ###########################################################
> # A startup item has been generated that will aid in
> # starting apache2 with launchd. It is disabled
> # by default. Execute the following command to start it,
> # and to cause it to launch at startup:
> #
> # sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/ 
> org.macports.apache2.plist
> ###########################################################
> Error: violation by /opt/local/apache2
> Error: Target org.macports.destroot returned: mtree violation!
> Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
> Nothing installed in the /opt directory.
>  Uninstalled & cleaned previous install (switched from db44 to  
> sqlite3 as apr-util's backend)
> Jeff

	This is a new feature in MacPorts 1.5.1 to detect violations of the  
pre-established hierarchy that governs the ${prefix} tree, so as to  
keep a sense of order when installing software. In order to minimize  
conflicts with the bundled Apache, Apache 2 installs its entire world  
onto its own prefix within MacPorts' ${prefix}, ${prefix}/apache2/ 
{bin,lib,include,<etc>}, so that its files are not readily found by a  
default configured shell; this setup violates the default hierarchy  
and thus produces the error you saw when upgrading to MacPorts 1.5.1.  
I just added and committed workaround to the Portfile to indicate the  
violation is intended in this case, "destroot.violate_mtree yes".  
Please re-sync your tree in about half an hour from this posting and  
try installing again, report back to me if you still experiencing the  
same problem.

	Thanks for the feedback! Regards,...


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