x11prefix for the x11 environment

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Mon Aug 13 19:00:35 PDT 2007

On Aug 13, 2007, at 05:41, lutz_mader at freenet.de wrote:

> I try to install some X11 components, but all the time "DestRoot"  
> stop, because the files are available.
> This is true, because "DestRoot" try to link the files to "/usr/ 
> X11R6".
> My question, how to change the Directory.
> I try to change "x11prefix" in the conf File, but "DestRoot" use "/ 
> usr/X11R6" all the time.
> Thanks for any help,
> Lutz
> p.s.
> The default "x11prefix" points to "/usr/X11R6", not to something  
> like "/opt/local/X11R6" ist this correct?!

Yes, this is correct. The X11 prefix is /usr/X11R6.

What ports are you trying to install? If you are trying to install,  
for example, the XFree86 port, then you will first need to remove  
Apple's X11 environment because, as you've noticed, they both install  
into the same place.

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