(no subject)

Simon Ruderich simon at ruderich.com
Tue Aug 28 17:18:01 PDT 2007

Jochen Küpper wrote:
> I've updated the Portfile in svn according to your message.
> However, I was wondering why you upgraded to 4.07, no to 4.12, which
> seems to be the latest stable release?
> Greetings,
> Jochen

Hi Jochen,

Now I figured out it was kind of stupid. I thought a minor upgrade
wouldn't cause any problems, but PMW does at least not work for me on a
Intel MacBook Pro (it works on a PowerPC).

I tried again with the newest version and it works fine (for me) on both
PowerPC and Intel. I attached a Portfile and the patch for the current
Portfile to this email. If you want you can add me as maintainer.

Sorry for the mess,
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-------------- next part --------------
# $Id: Portfile 28346 2007-08-28 21:11:37Z jochen at macports.org $

PortSystem 1.0

name                pmw
version		    4.12
categories	    textproc audio
platforms	    darwin
maintainers	    nomaintainer
description	    music typesetting processor generating postscript
long_description    Philips Music Writer (PMW) is a computer program for \
		    high quality music typesetting generating postscript \
		    from textfiles.

homepage	    http://www.quercite.com/pmw.html
master_sites	    http://www.quercite.com/
checksums	    md5 3b8d02c6cf6239b9bdadbc6543c5a683 \
	            sha1 27874638b23e66d39ed94fe716ca25c967f6e993 \
	            rmd160 82b9991f3bf0ceedbf74c188c5fa44b98b5e40c9


pre-test            {
	reinplace "s|RunTests|./RunTests|g" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
test.run            yes

destroot.destdir    BINDIR=${destroot}${prefix}/bin \
		    DATADIR=${destroot}${prefix}/share/pmw \
-------------- next part --------------
--- textproc/pmw/Portfile	2007-08-29 02:14:19.000000000 +0200
+++ textproc/pmw/Portfile	2007-08-29 02:14:22.000000000 +0200
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 PortSystem 1.0
 name                pmw
-version		    4.07
+version		    4.12
 categories	    textproc audio
 platforms	    darwin
 maintainers	    nomaintainer
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
 homepage	    http://www.quercite.com/pmw.html
 master_sites	    http://www.quercite.com/
-checksums	    md5 669a715f34d98c358f698ea25ff37eee \
-	            sha1 bbdb1f795be6d023dac507bb3ca39c66e948ecea \
-	            rmd160 cfcc22f02eb56ac4937e658ba05f160921efa012
+checksums	    md5 3b8d02c6cf6239b9bdadbc6543c5a683 \
+	            sha1 27874638b23e66d39ed94fe716ca25c967f6e993 \
+	            rmd160 82b9991f3bf0ceedbf74c188c5fa44b98b5e40c9

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