GLUT fails to compile (on leopard)

Dave Murray-Rust D.S.Murray-Rust at
Wed Dec 12 07:57:34 PST 2007

Hi all,

I'm trying to compile GLUT, on leopard, and I get the following output:

 >sudo port install glut
--->  Building glut with target all
Error: Target returned: shell command "cd /opt/ 
.macports.org_release_ports_graphics_glut/work/glut-3.7/lib/glut ; c++  
-flat_namespace -dynamiclib -o libglut.3.7.dylib -install_name /opt/ 
local/lib/libglut.3.dylib -compatibility_version 3.7 -current_version  
3.7 -all_load libglut.a -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lGL -lGLU -lX11 -lXmu -lXi - 
lXext -lXt -lICE -lSM" returned error 1
Command output:   "_glGetError", referenced from:
       _glutReportErrors in libglut.a(glut_util.o)
   "_glPushMatrix", referenced from:
       _teapot in libglut.a(glut_teapot.o)
   "_glEnable", referenced from:
       _teapot in libglut.a(glut_teapot.o)
       _teapot in libglut.a(glut_teapot.o)
       _teapot in libglut.a(glut_teapot.o)
       _teapot in libglut.a(glut_teapot.o)
   "_glReadBuffer", referenced from:
       _glutEstablishOverlay in libglut.a(glut_overlay.o)
       ___glutCreateWindow in libglut.a(glut_win.o)
   "_glDrawBuffer", referenced from:
       _glutEstablishOverlay in libglut.a(glut_overlay.o)
       ___glutCreateWindow in libglut.a(glut_win.o)
   "_glBitmap", referenced from:
       _glutBitmapCharacter in libglut.a(glut_bitmap.o)
   "_glNormal3fv", referenced from:
       _drawBox in libglut.a(glut_shapes.o)
       _drawtriangle in libglut.a(glut_shapes.o)
       _pentagon in libglut.a(glut_shapes.o)
   "_glPolygonMode", referenced from:
       _glutWireTorus in libglut.a(glut_shapes.o)
   "_glNormal3f", referenced from:
       _doughnut in libglut.a(glut_shapes.o)
       _doughnut in libglut.a(glut_shapes.o)
   "_glScalef", referenced from:
       _teapot in libglut.a(glut_teapot.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.

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