PerlMagick build on a PPC G5 mac os X 10.4

Constant Dupuis constant at
Wed Dec 19 01:38:48 PST 2007

I remove my previous MacPorts installation and install MacPorts 1.6.
On both my laptop and G5.

I manage to set up ImageMagick and PerlMagick with the following  
commend :

sudo port install ImageMagick +perl

So now Image::Magick works BUT :

- I cannot use the AdaptivelyResize method via perl, only the Resize  
- On my laptop the perl @INC only contain macports include path but  
on my G5 @INC
still contains the previous Mac OS X perl include path

It looks like I need to reinstall everything ....

Le 19-déc.-07 à 04:56, Ryan Schmidt a écrit :

> Please keep replies on the mailing list by using your mail  
> program's Reply All feature when you reply.
> On Dec 18, 2007, at 10:27, Constant Dupuis wrote:
>> Hi Ryan,
>> I reply late because I was sick.
>> If I remember well I use the 'port install p5-perlmagick' command  
>> after installing imagemagick 6.3.7 via port.
>> But it didn't install perl.
> I believe I have found the problem and have corrected it in r32174.  
> If you wait 30 minutes, then "sudo port selfupdate", then try  
> again, I hope it will work for you.
>> Is the missing sudo that can failed everything ?
>> My version of port is 1.520 and xcode Tools is 2.4.1 on a Power PC  
>> G5 computer.
> Ok. The "selfupdate" command above will upgrade you to MacPorts  
> 1.6.0. You may also want to download Xcode 2.5.0 from Apple and  
> update to it at some point.
>> I try to install Image::Magick perl from the sources donloaded at  
>> ImageMagick web site.
>> It build succesfuly version 6.3.7 but failed the test with the  
>> following message :
>> "hostx108:~/Downloads/Dev/ImageLibrary/ImageMagick-6.3.7/ 
>> PerlMagick macfurax$ make test
>> /bin/sh ../ PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "- 
>> MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/ 
>> arch')" t/*.t t/bzlib/*.t t/jpeg/*.t t/jp2/*.t t/png/*.t t/tiff/ 
>> *.t t/wmf/*.t t/zlib/*.t
>> ../ ../ No such file or directory
>> make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 127"
> I cannot help you with software built outside of MacPorts.
>> If I try via port I get this :
>> "hostx108:~ macfurax$ sudo port install p5-perlmagick
>> Password:
>> --->  Configuring p5-perlmagick
>> Error: Target org.macports.configure returned: configure failure:  
>> shell command " cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/ 
>> _opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_perl 
>> _p5-perlmagick/work/PerlMagick-6.32" && /opt/local/bin/perl  
>> Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor " returned error 127
>> Command output: sh: line 1: /opt/local/bin/perl: No such file or  
>> directory
>> Error: Status 1 encountered during processing."
> The p5-perlmagick port was inadvertently overwriting the  
> dependencies of the perl5 portgroup (this is where the perl5.8  
> dependency is defined). I believe I fixed this in r32174.
>> Le 13-déc.-07 à 00:11, Ryan Schmidt a écrit :
>>> On Dec 12, 2007, at 10:46, Constant Dupuis wrote:
>>>> I try to build the PerlMagick package (Image::Magick).
>>>> I try using CPAN and fink nothing works.
>>>> SO now I try with macports. ImageMagick is installed (with  
>>>> macports) and working.
>>>> When if I try to build the PerlMagick module I'm told that /opt/ 
>>>> local/bin/perl is not found.
>>>> I try to use the configure.perl statement to force port tu use  
>>>> the install perl interpreter  already installed on my machine.
>>>> Is it possible ?
>>>> If I install the macport Perl interpreter won't it clash with  
>>>> the Mac OS X perl ?
>>> MacPorts is designed not to overwrite things installed elsewhere  
>>> on your Mac. It's also designed to use, as much as possible, only  
>>> other software installed via MacPorts. It's perfectly acceptable  
>>> to install perl5.8 from MacPorts so that other ports can make use  
>>> of it.
>>> If you "sudo port install p5-perlmagick", it should automatically  
>>> install perl5.8 (and ImageMagick and other dependencies) for you.  
>>> Did that not happen?
>>> Please show us the exact command you typed and the exact output  
>>> you got. Also tell us what version of MacPorts and Xcode you  
>>> have. Thanks.

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