port mysteries

Kevin Horton khorton01 at rogers.com
Sun Feb 25 05:29:55 PST 2007

I'm a new MacPorts user, trying to make some sense of it all.  A  
couple of things have me baffled:

1. Why does the output of "port list installed" show some duplication:

% port list installed
db44                           @4.4.20         databases/db44
db44                           @4.4.20         databases/db44
expat                          @2.0.0          textproc/expat
jpeg                           @6b             graphics/jpeg
libiconv                       @1.11           textproc/libiconv
libiconv                       @1.11           textproc/libiconv
libmikmod                      @3.2.0-beta2    audio/libmikmod
libogg                         @1.1.3          multimedia/libogg
libpng                         @1.2.16         graphics/libpng
libpng                         @1.2.16         graphics/libpng
libpng                         @1.2.16         graphics/libpng
libsdl                         @1.2.11         devel/libsdl
libsdl_mixer                   @1.2.7          audio/libsdl_mixer
libvorbis                      @1.1.2          audio/libvorbis
ncurses                        @5.5            devel/ncurses
ncursesw                       @5.5            devel/ncursesw
openssl                        @0.9.8d         devel/openssl
py-wxpython                    @        python/py-wxpython
py-wxpython                    @        python/py-wxpython
py-wxpython                    @        python/py-wxpython
python24                       @2.4.3          lang/python24
python25                       @2.5            lang/python25
python25                       @2.5            lang/python25
readline                       @5.1.004        devel/readline
smpeg                          @0.4.4          multimedia/smpeg
sqlite3                        @3.3.13         databases/sqlite3
sqlite3                        @3.3.13         databases/sqlite3
sqlite3                        @3.3.13         databases/sqlite3
tiff                           @3.8.2          graphics/tiff
wxWidgets-devel                @2.8.2-rc1      graphics/wxWidgets-devel
wxWidgets-devel                @2.8.2-rc1      graphics/wxWidgets-devel
zlib                           @1.2.3          archivers/zlib

2. Why does the output of "port list outdated" show an entry for  
every port, even though I only have a very few installed?

% port list outdated | wc -l
% port list | wc -l

Note: I did a "sudo port -v selfupdate; sudo port -v upgrade active"  
a few minutes ago, so in principle I think all installed ports should  
be up to date.

I'm running MacPorts 1.320, on OS X 10.4.8.

Thanks for MacPorts.

Kevin Horton
Ottawa, Canada

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