Apache on Boot

James Berry jberry at macports.org
Sat Jan 6 22:30:14 PST 2007

On Jan 6, 2007, at 9:11 PM, Salvatore Domenick Desiano wrote:

> What is the current wisdom on getting the MP apache2 port start on  
> boot? My install is in good shape, runs when started manually, and  
> has a daemondo that runs on boot, but the server never comes up. I  
> searched the archive, but no dice.

Hi Sal,

Let's see, I just did a new apache2 install the other day and ran  
into this problem too. here's what worked for me:

	- The ultimate problem, which I found by trying to start apache2  
manually using "apachectl start" was that there is no httpd.conf by  
default. (When you try to start apache, it tells you this).

	- Once I copied httpd.conf.sample to httpd.conf, it started right up.

Hope that works for you.


> Thoughts?
> -- Sal
> smile.
> --------------
>   Salvatore Domenick Desiano
>     Doctoral Candidate
>       Robotics Institute
>         Carnegie Mellon University
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