mysql start

eoghan eoghanj at
Sun Jan 7 12:47:48 PST 2007

On 7 Jan 2007, at 20:34, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Jan 7, 2007, at 14:16, eoghan wrote:
>> I installed mysql with php...
>> sudo port -v install php5 +apache2 +mysql5
>> So I assume I havent installed the client...
> You *have* installed the client. Asking for php5 +mysql5 adds a  
> dependency on mysql5. If you haven't already installed the mysql5  
> port, it is installed for you, but without any variants. You should  
> have first installed mysql5 with the +server variant if that's what  
> you wanted (and it sounds like it is).
> (Scroll down for more.)
>> tried that install you have above but it gives me an error
>> --->  Fetching mysql5
>> --->  Verifying checksum(s) for mysql5
>> --->  Extracting mysql5
>> --->  Configuring mysql5
>> --->  Building mysql5 with target all
>> --->  Staging mysql5 into destroot
>> --->  Creating launchd control script
>> ###########################################################
>> # A startup item has been generated that will aid in
>> # starting mysql5 with launchd. It is disabled
>> # by default. Execute the following command to start it,
>> # and to cause it to launch at startup:
>> #
>> # sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/ 
>> org.macports.mysql5.plist
>> ###########################################################
>> --->  Installing mysql5 5.0.27_1+darwin_8+server
>> ******************************************************
>> * In order to setup the database, you might want to run
>> * sudo -u mysql mysql_install_db5
>> * if this is a new install
>> ******************************************************
>> --->  Activating mysql5 5.0.27_1+darwin_8+server
>> Error: Target returned: Image error: Another  
>> version of mysql5 (5.0.27_1+darwin_8) is already active.
>> Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
>> Do I need to remove mysql5 and start again or is there a way to  
>> install the server?
> On Jan 7, 2007, at 14:19, eoghan wrote:
>> Apologies, but as a follow up... when i run port installed i can  
>> see server:
>>   mysql5 @5.0.27_1+darwin_8 (active)
>>   mysql5 @5.0.27_1+darwin_8+server
>> though its not listed as active...
> You need to remove the non-server version:
> sudo port uninstall mysql5 @5.0.27_1+darwin_8
> Now you will only have the +server version installed (but not  
> active) so you need to activate it:
> sudo port activate mysql5
> Then you need to install the initial databases and then start  
> mysqld as per my earlier message.

Thanks for  you help Ryan... I will give this a go.

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