variants question

belinda thom bthom at
Sun Jan 7 18:27:33 PST 2007

Thanks Ryan!

On Jan 7, 2007, at 5:48 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Jan 7, 2007, at 17:28, belinda thom wrote:
>> How am I to know if I should be installing a port w/no extra  
>> variants used?
>> In particular, I want to install subversion, whose info is:
>> --------
>> 32 % port info subversion
>> subversion 1.4.2, devel/subversion (Variants: mod_dav_svn,  
>> no_neon, no_bdb, mac_os_x_server_mod_dav_svn, tools, darwin_7)
>> Subversion is a version control system designed to be as similar  
>> to cvs(1) as possible, while fixing many outstanding problems with  
>> cvs(1).
>> Library Dependencies: expat, neon, apr, apr-util, db44
>> Maintainers: dluke at
>> -------
>> I am uncertain how to determine what these things are (e.g.  
>> tools). I know I don't want the server, but the others mean  
>> nothing to me.
> +mod_dav_svn builds you the Apache 2 module of that name. If you  
> want to serve a Subversion repository with Apache 2, you need this  
> variant. Since you said you don't want a server, you don't need this.
> +no_neon builds Subversion without the neon library. Neon is for  
> connecting to http and https Subversion servers. If you want to  
> access repositories served with http or https protocols, do not use  
> the +no_neon variant.
> +no_bdb builds Subversion without the BerkeleyDB library.  
> BerkeleyDB is one of the two possible ways a repository can be  
> stored on disk, though no longer the default way. Since you said  
> you're not hosting a repository yourself, you don't need  
> BerkeleyDB, so you can use this variant. However, if you really  
> want to avoid having BerkeleyDB on your system (as I do), you will  
> also need to first build the apr-util port with the +no_bdb  
> variant. Otherwise you get an apr-util which will itself pull in  
> BerkeleyDB.
> +mac_os_x_server_mod_dav_svn I believe builds the Apache 2 module  
> for the Mac OS X Server version of Apache 2, instead of for the  
> MacPorts version of Apache 2 as the +mod_dav_svn variant does.  
> Since you're not planning to run a server, and probably don't have  
> Mac OS X Server, you don't need this variant.
> +tools installs some additional tools that are provided with the  
> Subversion source code. Specifically, it installs everything listed  
> here into corresponding directories in /opt/local/share/subversion:
> For example, I find the script helpful.
> On Jan 7, 2007, at 18:25, John Labovitz wrote:
>> I will say that from experience you will probably want  
>> +mod_dav_svn, as it provides access to WebDAV-hosted repositories,  
>> which includes many public SVN repos.  I've tried building  
>> Subversion with +no_neon and +no_bdb, but it either caused  
>> problems later or didn't make any obvious difference.
> Actually, mod_dav_svn lets you *serve* repositories over WebDAV. To  
> *access* WebDAV repositories, all you need is neon (that is, you  
> want to *not* specify +no_neon).

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