netcdf orphaned; Fortran integration

Michael Sternberg sternberg at
Thu Jan 11 21:00:36 PST 2007

Hello folks,

The netcdf port seems orphaned: 

As per  the previous  
maintainer is no longer affiliated with CMU.  I'll see if I can  
follow up more tomorrow.

The reason I'm asking is because I need the fortran interface for a  
user's code, and perhaps later plug in more recent versions.  I  
managed to locally add a variant "+ifort" using "port edit", which  
relies on the Intel Fortran compiler, and the package's regression  
test "make test" passes, explicitly verifying the fortran interface  
as well.

Now for the bleeding newbie questions:

Q1: Is it OK to use a commercial compiler?

Q2: What's the canonical way to express that?
	- note dependency (if any)?
	- note compiler version?  (ifc7, ifc8, and ifort9 are notably  

Q3: Where do I submit a patch to a non-maintainer?  If I go to:

     and click on the big "New Ticket" (not obvious as a link, BTW),  
I get:
	Permission Denied

	TICKET_CREATE privileges are required to perform this operation

Has the dust settled since the DarwinPorts migration?  Seems some of  
the docs are not yet migrated.

Any help appreciated - I mean, I'd like to push my patch upstream, so  
I get the benefit on other hosts without creating my own patch  
management system ;-)

Regards, Michael

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