problem upgrading mutt-devel

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Thu Jan 25 23:57:51 PST 2007

On Jan 25, 2007, at 18:07, an unnamed patron of this fine mailing  
list wrote:

> I had previously been successfully running
>   mutt-devel @1.5.11_3+db4+headercache+imap+pop+sasl+ssl
> but yesterday I tried the following to update it:
>   % sudo port upgrade mutt-devel +db4+headercache+imap+pop+sasl+ssl
> which resulted in:
>   mutt-devel @1.5.13_0+db4+headercache+imap+ncurses+pop+sasl+ssl  
> (active)

I was wondering why you got +ncurses which you did not specify, but I  
see from the portfile that +ncurses is now one of the default  
variants. This change was made in revision 18161 on 2006-05-31 though  
the log doesn't go into much detail on why.

> however, when I try to tun it, I get the following error:
>   % mutt
>   dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/var/db/dports/build/ 
> _opt_local_var_db_dports_sources_rsync.rsync.darwinports.org_dpupdate_ 
> dports_devel_ncursesw/work/destroot/opt/local/lib/libncursesw.5.dylib
>     Referenced from: /opt/local/bin/mutt
>     Reason: image not found
>   Trace/BPT trap

Why on earth is /opt/local/bin/mutt trying to find /opt/local/var/db/ 
That's silly. It should be looking for /opt/local/lib/libncursesw. 
5.dylib. I'm not an expert at portfiles, but I don't immediately see  
anything in the portfile that would account for this.

> I've tried uninstalling, cleaning and rebuilding the port and its
> dependencies, but with the same results.  I have also tried a few  
> cursory
> web searches for additional clues, but again without luck.  Any  
> help would
> be very much appreciated.

Sounds like exactly what I would have suggested doing: uninstall and  
clean the work directory of ncursesw, and maybe also ncurses, and  
finally of mutt-devel. Then reinstall them all. But if that didn't  
help, then I'm rather confused.

Perhaps you could install mutt-devel with the -d and -v flags and  
look at any lines in the output that mention ncursesw. Maybe that  
would shed some light on why it's looking for it in that weird location.

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