Cannot start apache2 with php5 due to missing sqlite3

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Fri Jan 26 12:48:19 PST 2007

On Jan 26, 2007, at 13:08, Patrik Johansson wrote:

> I installed apache2, php5 and mysql5 through macports and the  
> installation went great.
> I added the LoadModule line for php5 and tried to start Apache2.
> The problem is that apache doesn't want to start. Apache prints  
> this message to error_log:
> dyld: /opt/local/apache2/bin/httpd Undefined symbols:
> _sqlite3_bind_parameter_count
> _sqlite3_bind_text
> _sqlite3_changes
> _sqlite3_close
> _sqlite3_column_bytes
> _sqlite3_column_count
> _sqlite3_column_name
> _sqlite3_column_text
> _sqlite3_column_type
> _sqlite3_errmsg
> _sqlite3_finalize
> _sqlite3_free
> _sqlite3_mprintf
> _sqlite3_open
> _sqlite3_prepare
> _sqlite3_reset
> _sqlite3_step
> Apache starts without any problems if I remove the LoadModule line  
> for the php5 module.
> My spec:
> Panther 10.3.9
> Macport version 1.320
> Any ideas how this can be solved?

It sounds like you need sqlite3, and you don't have it.

On my 10.4.8 system, sqlite3 exists here:


It's provided by BaseSystem.pkg, so I doubt there could be a 10.4  
system without that file. But I'm not sure about 10.3.9.

Do you have the file /usr/lib/libsqlite3.dylib? Please let us know.  
If not, it's possible that Apple didn't ship sqlite3 with Mac OS X  
until 10.4.0. If that is the case, then for Mac OS X versions earlier  
than that, we should add a dependency on the sqlite3 port to the php5  

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