Bogofilter 1.1.5

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Mon Jan 29 21:34:40 PST 2007

On Jan 29, 2007, at 13:04, CHENG Gao wrote:

> Port tree has 0.95.2 which is quite old. Recently 1.1.5 was  
> released as
> latest stable version. Is there any plan to upgrade?

Well, from "port info bogofilter" I see that the port has no  
maintainer, and by searching Trac for "bogofilter" I see that there  
are no bugs filed against it. So no, there were no plans to upgrade  
it. The best people to update the ports are the people who actually  
use the software, and I do not use bogofilter. Since you appear to,  
perhaps you would like to submit an update to the port and become its  

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