flagpoll Portfile for consideration in MacPorts

Doug McCorkle mccdo at iastate.edu
Tue Jul 10 06:19:48 PDT 2007

On Jul 10, 2007, at 1:36 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Jul 9, 2007, at 15:57, Doug McCorkle wrote:
>> Attached is a Portfile for flagpoll https:// 
>> realityforge.vrsource.org/view/FlagPoll . Please let me know if  
>> there is anything else that needs to be done for its inclusion in  
>> MacPorts. Thanks.
> I think you should be using the python24 or python25 portgroup. It  
> would simplify the portfile.
I am still learning all the details of Portfiles so do not understand  
what a portgroup is. Could you provide more details on what I need to  
do to make flagpoll part of the python portgroup?
> Also, we have a python category. Though there are ports that use a  
> python portgroup that aren't in the python category. I don't use  
> python software, so I'm not sure what the rules are there, just  
> wanted to point out that there is such a category. Ports in that  
> category should have names that begin with "py-" (for 2.4) or  
> "py25-" (for 2.5). Perhaps a MacPorts python user can provide  
> guidance on what needs to go in that category and what can be  
> elsewhere.

OK. I am happy to change the category to whatever you think the best  
home for the port is.


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